Union is strenght, maybe
The first film that, with love and irony, fights against homophobia

"Union is strenght, maybe" is a documentary film that interweaves the life of homogenitorial families with the bizarre theories of the anti-LGBT members, in a single story. Two absolutely distant and different worlds that needed to be confronted in a direct way, due to the exponential growth of ProLife movements of extremist Catholicism origin and their political rise, thanks to the exploit of the right-wing parties who welcomed them into their row (the Family Minister Attilio Fontana and Senator Simone Pillon, both members of Family Day, are a clear example). But also because of the growing need for legal recognition that the homogenitorial families are clamoring, to which sometimes only the judiciary grants approval, due to the shortcomings of the civil unions law of 2016 caused by the cut of the Stepchild Adoption and the obligation of loyalty between the partners.

What comes out is a desecrating mix between the silent normality of these families and the ranted madness of their protesters.


Mon Dec 5, 5:30 p.m. - Roma - Spazio Scena - Slow Film Fest

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For rent on #ilbeltradesulsofà, the streaming platform of Beltrade Cinema of Milan.
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The necessity to realize "Union is strenght, maybe", arises from the need to understand the exponential evolution (or involution, depending on the point of view) of some associative movements through demonstrations, media spaces, campaigns on social networks and various publications, screaming to the whole world their concern for the safety of the heterosexual family and children, due to homosexual unions.
Being a member of a heterosexual family, I could not understand how the legal recognition of the union of two persons of the same sex could have endangered me and the safety of my family, as well as my possible future offspring. A research then spontaneously started in November 2015, led me to collect an infinity audio/video and journalistic material on what I then managed to identify, at the end, as the real theme of my research, which at the beginning I would never really suspected: homophobia.
Homophobia in 2019 still exists and has evolved by hiding under the slogan: "Let's defend the family".
I understood that I realizing this only after careful and extensive research, I thought of the multitude of people who perhaps really share the thought of "family defense", but ignore the real and sneaky motivations that bring these associations and movements to lavish good of the "natural" family, exclusively through the propaganda of the prohibition to the granting of rights to homosexuals. But this does not want to be a film about homophobia. In many of those articles read and re-read, there are authoritative voices of doctors, psychologists, scholars and university professors who speak of "abnormalities".
So this wants to be a film about the beauty of many different "normality", which exist and are part of a reality that must be addressed and understood, something that in this country has probably never been done on an anthropological level, but that has been introduced at the political and legislative level. Will the Italians be ready?
In this historical period in which even the Pope, the greatest exponent of the Catholic faith, declared to the whole world: "If a person is gay and seeks the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge?", I wonder how it is possible that hatred is still touted to those who have a different sexual orientation, moreover without even declaring it openly but disguising it as a "message for the defense of the family" so as to widen as much as possible the circle of receptors of that veiled but dangerous message: "children and your families are in danger because homosexuals come together, get married and love each other".
I believe that the veil should be lifted, also because of an intolerance spread not only in Italy, but also in the rest of the world, sometimes causing massacres and suicides.


Fabio Leli

Fabio Leli - 09/14/1986 – Director, Author and Producer

After gaining a degree in communication in 2009 and a diploma in screenwriting and directing from the Griffith Academy in Rome, Fabio Leli began making his first short films. He was assistant director and screenwriter for various Italian and international projects. In 2014 he wrote and directed "The Social Networld – A Love Story", a short film which garnered a number of awards and was presented at the Roberto Rossellini Italian Cultural Institute in Los Angeles. In 2015 he completed his first feature film, "Vivere alla Grande", presented in World Premiere at 68° Festival del Film Locarno and at 20° Milano Film Festival for National Premiere. "Union is strenght, maybe" is his second feature film.


Alfredo Colella


Alfredo Colella has been the voice and the leader of the band from Bari, U'Papun, for more than ten years, with whom he has made the albums "Fiori innocenti", "Cabron!" and the recital "Far finta di essere Gaber". Famous for their collaboration with the rapper Caparezza in the song "L'appapparenza", U'Papun have also made the soundtrack of Fabio Leli's first film, "Vivere alla Grande", with the song "Signora Fortuna".
A few years working with an interesting solo project, Alfredo Colella is also a teacher of Songwriting at the MAST Academy of Bari.
For the film "L'unione falla forse" he produced the eponymous song that accompanies the trailer and the film's headlines, with the help at the piano of the trusted bandmate Enrico Elia.
Follow Alfredo on his Facebook page.



Luce, or Lucia Montrone (Bari, 13 June 1988), is a multi-instrumental singer-songwriter. After several prizes in various contests and competitions, in 2016 he published his first studio album, "Segni". Luce produces a pop/rock singer-songwriter in which the songs are spontaneously born from a guitar or piano line. His music is a constant introspective research. The melodic line of his voice enter in a perfect union between words and sound. Just listen her to recognize a very personal style. The songs of Luce are written of heart and belly, are sensations, punches in the stomach and nostalgic caresses.
Luce is the author of the song "Cos'è la felicità" that accompanies the final of the film and is co-author, along with Rosa Cavalieri, of the instrumental pieces "C'era una svolta" and "Idio-zie".
Follow Luce on Facebook and Instagram and listen to Spotify.

Rosa Cavalieri


Rosa Cavalieri was born in Bari on 12/09/1958. Author, composer, arranger and orchestral director, she writes for numerous artists including: Anna Oxa, Marco Armani, Giuseppe Cionfoli, Gegia, Elisabetta Viviani, Ambra Orfei, Mandy Mandy.
Composer also of theatrical, cinematographic, and television soundtracks including: La Ridere all'italiana by Sergio Corbucci, the documentaries "Natura amica, natura selvaggia" broadcasted on Rai and Telemontecarlo networks and the orchestral direction of the film "Tutto l'amore che c'è"of the director Sergio Rubini.
Rosa Cavalieri is co-author, with Luce Montrone, of the instrumental pieces "C'era una svolta" and "Idio-zie".




TUTTOTEK - Recensione del film
LA REPUBBLICA - Paolo Berizzi parla di noi nella sua rubrica
IL TRENTINO - Recensione del film in anteprima a Trento
L'ADIGE - Intervista al regista Fabio Leli
IL DOLOMITI - Dalle idee del Family Day alla forza dell'amore
BOUNDLESS RAINBOW LOVE - Intervista al regista Fabio Leli
PRESSENZA - Intervista al regista Fabio Leli
RADIO OHM - Intervista al regista Fabio Leli
LA MESCOLANZA - L'unione falla forse, un film pungente e sincero
BONCULTURE - Recensione del film
CINEMATOGRAPHE.IT - Recensione del film
ARIANO FILM FESTIVAL - Intervista al regista Fabio Leli
BLOG ACCADEMIA GRIFFITH - Intervista al regista
GAYPOST.IT - Anteprima a Roma
GAY.IT - Anteprima a Roma
GAYNEWS - Intervista al regista Fabio Leli
MERIDIONEWS - Intervista al regista Fabio Leli
POPTV - Intervista al regista Fabio Leli
ARCIGAY - Proiezione a Palermo
RADIO CANALE100 - Intervista al regista Fabio Leli
REPUBBLICA - Proiezione a Bari
GAZZETTA DEL MEZZOGIORNO - Intervista al regista Fabio Leli
BARIVIVA - Intervista al regista Fabio Leli
PUNTO TV - Evento contro l'omofobia a Foggia
L'IMMEDIATO - Evento contro l'omofobia a Foggia
TOSCANAPRIDE - Proiezione a Pisa
RAI UNO - Il regista Fabio Leli ospite a Cinematografo
RADIO ONDA ROSSA - Intervista al regista
MYMOVIES - Recensione
FILMTV - Recensione
CAMERALOOK - L'uscita al cinema
WONDERCHANNEL - I film da non perdere
DIGI.TO - Lovers Film Festival - Premio La Stampa
GAYBURG - Lovers Film Festival
ECODELCINEMA - Lovers Film Festival
CINEMATOGRAPHE - Lovers Film Festival
QMAGAZINE - Lovers Film Festival
CINEMAITALIANO - Lovers Film Festival
APULIACINEMA - Festival Vues d'en face
CINEMAITALIANO - Festival Vues d'en face
PLACEGRENET - Festival Vues d'en face
LE PETIT BULLETIN - Festival Vues d'en face
TELEGRENOBLE - Festival Vues d'en face
GRE.MAG - Festival Vues d'en face
SPYIT.IT - Arriva il film doc L'unione falla forse, l'omofobia ai tempi delle unioni civili
GAYBURG - On line il trailer del film doc L'unione falla forse
LEZPOP.IT - L'unione falla forse, il film sull'Italia post unioni civili
BALARM - Tra Adinolfi e l'arcobaleno. Il trailer del film di Fabio Leli girato anche a Palermo
GAYPOST - L'unione falla forse, il trailer del film che prende in giro l'omofobia
L'ESPRESSO - L'unione falla forse, una risata intelligente contro l'omofobia
BALARM - Da Palermo, Daniela, Celeste e Vittoria, protagoniste di un film sui diritti lgbt
UNIMONDO - L'unione falla forse: Il crowdfunding
GAYBURG - L'unione falla forse: Il crowdfunding


a HUMAN TREE production
written, produced and directed by FABIO LELI
production assistant CARMEN CAFARELLA
voice over ITALIA AIUOLA
with the special partecipation of ELEONORA MAGNIFICO e MICHELE CIAVARELLA


For any information, request, curiosity or if you are a festival, a cinema, an association, a school,
a municipality or a university and you want to request a screening of the film, write to: or